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Download GradeStar Patch

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astar.gif (1236 bytes)GradeStarTM v2.02

Please read all information on this page before downloading.

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Minimum System Requirements for GradeStar v2.02
bullet.gif (980 bytes)Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0 or Windows 98
bullet.gif (980 bytes)486 66 Mhz
bullet.gif (980 bytes)16 MB RAM
bullet.gif (980 bytes)10 MB Hard Disk Space

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Restrictions on Trial Version of GradeStar

This download copy of GradeStar v2.02 is fully functional and contains the following restrictions.

1.  The security features are not fully functional.   When you create a database while using GradeStar in trial mode your database will not be secured with a password, so anyone will be able to edit or view the data.

2.  You may only create up to 8 assignments per grading period for a given course.

These restrictions will be removed if you decide to register GradeStar and enter a User Number by calling 1-800-485-5695.

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Download Instructions
To download GradeStar v2.02 simply click on the file below named "gstar2.exe".  Your web browser may then ask if you want to Save the file or Open/Run the file.  Choose Save.  You can save the file anywhere on your hard drive.  The file is approximately 6.5 MB so it will probably take 40-55 minutes to download if you are using a 28.8 modem.  It will be much faster if you are on a network or using ISDN.  Once downloaded, open Windows Explorer (file manager) to the folder where you saved the file.  Double click on  "gstar2.exe".   This will launch the installation program which will guide you through setup.

Please read the Readme file, which will be located in the directory where you install GradeStar.   This file contains important last minute information about this version of GradeStar.

Click here to download GradeStar v2.02 >>>> gstar2.exe

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ShellTech Software

P.O. Box 723

Mantoloking, NJ 08738


Technical Support:  1-732-714-8210    Sales:  1-800-485-5695

Copyright © [ShellTech Software Corporation].  All rights reserved.